Doll Bones
*Doll Bones* (2014) by Holly Black follows three friends on a supernatural adventure involving an eerie doll, uncovering secrets, and confronting their fears as they navigate friendship and growing up.
Diversity is
"Diversity is - 2021" by Melissa Ewers explores the concept of diversity, focusing on its significance in various societal contexts and how it shapes experiences, opportunities, and perceptions in modern society.
Winning Roller Hockey
"Winning Roller Hockey: Techniques, Tactics, Training" (1997) is a comprehensive paperback guide offering strategies, drills, and insights to improve roller hockey skills and performance through effective techniques and training methods.
Common Courtesy
"How to be a Gentleman: A Modern Guide to Courtesy, 1998 1st Edition."
Battle of Hastings
The Battle of Hastings hardcover edition published in 1986.
Hayes, Jonathan
Jonathan Hayes' "Precious Blood," unsigned first edition hardcover, published in 2007.
"Homeopathy: A Practical Guide to Everyday Health Care, 1995, trade paperback edition."
Outlines of Schiller
Schiller's Song of the Bell illustrated by Moritz Retzsch, original blue paper edition, 1849.